Mücver is one of the popular summer appetizers. Easy to cook, reachable ingredients and full of vegetables... (this is why our mom's favorite :) ) Almost a healthy bomb! These amazing vegetarian fritters are best friends with garlic Turkish yogurt. You can enjoy as an appetizer for supper or a light lunch dish. Also, it can eatable as a cold snack the day after.


4 medium zucchini (grated) 
3 eggs 
1⁄2 cup flour
6-7 spring onions 
3 tablespoons minced dill weed 
3 tablespoons minced fresh parsley 
1⁄2 teaspoon salt 
1⁄2 teaspoon black pepper (powdered) 
1⁄2 teaspoon baking powder 
4 tablespoons olive oil

1. Grate all the zucchini. ,
2. Squeeze the juice of grated zucchini. 
3. Mince dill, fresh onion and parsley. 
4. Mix with grated zucchini. 
5. Add eggs flour, salt, pepper and baking powder 
6. Mix all to form a batter. 
7. Put some oil to the pan. Pour a tablespoonful of batter into hot olive oil in the pan. Fry in hot oil for 3 minutes each side. 
8. Or you can bake the batter 45 mins in a 185C oven. 
9. Serve hot with Turkish yogurt with garlic.

And enjoy!

Solidarity Recipes Team 💓


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